Heart Breath is such a powerful thing.  It is so very simple and easy to do.  Long deep breath and just visualize the energy coming out of your heart on the exhale.  Unconditional love is the most powerful energy/force that exists.  I have seen it transform much when I remember to do it.  I have used it in meetings and in many stressful situations.  It helps me to shift my energy and then it has a rippling effect in helping others.  Here is a link to a very scientific reason why and how it works. http://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart.html    We are all interconnected and as each of us learns to come from a space of love it helps transform the world to the wonderful place that we can envision   why not become the change you want to see in the world?  I can picture the world as a place where folks are working together for the good of all.  There is amazing power when people work together from a place of love and cooperation and not from a place where you are out just for yourself.  So much more can be done by working together than by knocking each other down.  What you send out comes back to you tenfold, so I choose to try to remember to send out heartbreath.  Everything is truly energy and I can choose how to use my own energy.  It might seem like a tall order to view life this way especially as you watch the news and see so much of what appears to be the opposite of this going on in the world.  I can always choose how to use my own energy and trust that there is a purpose in everything and I do not have the big picture, we all have our roles to play in this play of life.  Sat Nam, Atma Karam Kaur