I am constantly amazed at how easy it is to do heartbreath and how powerful it is.  I can do it anywhere and at anytime.  Here is a link to the yogic way of doing heart breath


I am learning if that if I just let go and become more and more my authentic self, life becomes like surfing, effortless effort.  I have gotten hung up in the past on needed to take action but then I have learned heartbreath is action, the action of sending out unconditional love.  There is no power greater than the energy of unconditional love.  I have seen how it can help others and they do not need to know or believe in it for it to help.  Try it and see if it works miracles for you and your loved ones

Heart Breath is such a powerful thing.  It is so very simple and easy to do.  Long deep breath and just visualize the energy coming out of your heart on the exhale.  Unconditional love is the most powerful energy/force that exists.  I have seen it transform much when I remember to do it.  I have used it in meetings and in many stressful situations.  It helps me to shift my energy and then it has a rippling effect in helping others.  Here is a link to a very scientific reason why and how it works. http://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart.html    We are all interconnected and as each of us learns to come from a space of love it helps transform the world to the wonderful place that we can envision   why not become the change you want to see in the world?  I can picture the world as a place where folks are working together for the good of all.  There is amazing power when people work together from a place of love and cooperation and not from a place where you are out just for yourself.  So much more can be done by working together than by knocking each other down.  What you send out comes back to you tenfold, so I choose to try to remember to send out heartbreath.  Everything is truly energy and I can choose how to use my own energy.  It might seem like a tall order to view life this way especially as you watch the news and see so much of what appears to be the opposite of this going on in the world.  I can always choose how to use my own energy and trust that there is a purpose in everything and I do not have the big picture, we all have our roles to play in this play of life.  Sat Nam, Atma Karam Kaur

I am doing ok.  I am discovering how much I use my left hand:)  I am very blessed.  I had forgotten about something that happened with 2 dogs years ago until talking to my sister yesterday.  One reason I try to break up the doggies is that in the mid 80s, my ex-husband had a dog named Kiba that tried to kill his friend’s dog.  It was a very bad scene and he used a baseball bat to get her to release the other dog.  My dogs will probably not come to this but it is interesting in how I was aware of this from a deep level (I did not remember it until talking to my sister) and I was reacting to this from the past.  I had gotten Braun off of Wyse then she went back at her.  I was able to get her off of Wyse and hold her very firmly and made eye contact and was able to get her to calm down.  It is very natural for me to use heart breath and by this point I was coming from soul and not every day self so  I knew how to calm her down!  I realized this yesterday in what I did to calm her down was the same thing my sister used to have to do with her 2nd son when he was young.  It really does work!  I did go to regular doctor first yesterday and the wound was not very pretty so he told me that I would need a surgeon and that tendons were involved.  Once at the Emergency Room and when the doctor found 30 minutes to repair my finger, there is no tendon damage and just a deep gash on the left index finger where the joint is for the first joint and shallower wounds on other side.  He counted the stitches and it was 18.  He then had to go see what the nurses needed his attention for.  I was there 2 ½ more hours waiting for bandage and prescriptions.  They were all so very apologetic for it taking so long.  I understand a bandage is very low priority.  I was finally able to get them to work together and have one of the other nurses bandage my finger and put a splint on it so I could leave.  They had me take the first antibiotic while there and it got very ill from it 2 hours later.  I have something called mitral valve prolapse so they give me antibiotic as a precaution.  I will see it there is some way to get a new one over the phone today or contact my doctor’s office tomorrow.  I do not really care to spend many hours at the hospital today to get antibiotic and pay another $100.00 for that privilege.  I have insurance so that is very wonderful.  I was doing long deep breath and heart breath while there from 9 am to 2:30 pm along with many mantras and meditating.  I caused the problem with the dogs in being impatient yesterday and not walking them lately.  So I got to experience a situation where I had to have lots of patience and it was wearing thin by the afternoon since I was so very thirsty and hungry.  I had not eaten anything and I was able to get a cup from someone so I could get some water to drink.  Then all of a sudden a couple of ladies brought me a turkey sandwich and some honey graham crackers and applesauce and a ginger ale (one of these ladies was not that nice earlier but heart breath does wonders!).  That blew me away.  This happened as a nurse from another team was doing the doctor a favor (his words) and getting my finger bandaged and splint on it.  The doctor did a good job on my finger and had a wonderful sense of humor and I understand that there was higher priorities and had no problem with that.  I was trying to get them to give me a call on cell phone so I could go get something to eat and I would come back when they had time.  That is when they all starting working together and helped me out tremendously.  I never got upset but was getting  very restless since I needed to eat and was thinking about just leaving by 2 PM since I could bandage my own hand.  That might not be playing by their rules but the way I was seeing it was that I have free will and I was not in a prison and could leave.  That might not be smart but I needed to eat.   I found that heart breath works wonders.  I also got to see how very screwed up our health care system is, there were  several doctors and nurses working in teams but when an emergency came up (saving someone’s life) they could not ask the other team for help with the existing patients such as me who just needed one more thing before the were finished.  It was such an educational experience and long deep breath helps me with the pain.  I was also probably sounding a little crazy to them since while I was waiting for bandage I was laughing.  I do things differently than others and I am ok with it.  I did have to my finger sewn and it sort of freaked out family doctor so I did have to go to the emergency room.  The doctor in the emergency room told me lots of family doctors do not like to like to the stitches but they are ok with removing them.  The emergency room does lots of that stuff and I met a lot of nice people who once I started telling them what was going on were very helpful after a little bit.  It seemed they had to let go of the job description and etc and then I could see them coming from the heart to help me.  Very cool to see the energy shift.  I did not get much work done last night since I got very ill from the antibiotic.  I had been texting and talking to my sister and she came to my house and helped me by bringing me ginger ale and cleaning up the mess I made in my car.  I drove myself and did not get sick until I was almost home from getting prescription filled at pharmacy.  I had to wait an hour for the prescription so I was able to get some food that I could eat.  Nothing like a day of many learning experiences and asking for help and coming from the heart.  I truly believe we are all here to help each other among other things.  Yesterday I was supposed to work a fundraiser for the schooner Virginia and then go to dad’s birthday party (I was told about that Tuesday evening) which I was not able to do either of those 2 things.  I did let everyone know what happened so I just did not show up.  The fundraiser was near my house at a Marina and it looked like there were many cars so I think the turnout was good.  Very nice group of people and they need to raise $350,000.00 to get the Virginia sailing again.  It is a beautiful boat built by volunteers and donations and some grant money etc.  It is a replica of a pilot boat from the early 1900s.  It is always so great to go to that marina, the family that runs it are friends and we used to keep our boat there until my ex-husband  got us kicked out.   The owners  are still friends and that experience with getting kicked out of the marina was also useful in the long run.  I am taking medicine for the pain and getting rest today.   My family is amusing and I did not call my parents since they would yell at me first (their pattern) then after they finish freaking out be helpful.  I reached out  to my sister and she kept everyone informed and my family is s very blessed to have her and her family back in VA.  I have spoken with my Mom today and she was surprised I sound so good.  I am sore but learned so much!  I was not sounding very good while the antibiotic was in my system and it turns out my sister and her children react the same way to that antibiotic.  She also told me about something I did for her 19 years ago and it was no big deal, I was just being myself and helping her when she was sick.  She told me that she was telling her husband about that as they were driving here and she has never forgotten that and that was one of many reason she was coming to my aide.  I am understanding so much more about what energy you send out comes back 10 fold and if it is unconditional then it comes back unconditional.  Very beautiful how the world really works especially when you drop the drama, hurt and etc.  Life is ok and I am ok.

It is not work but effortless effort. Just being aware and let it flow.  Very interesting in that I am in tune with when this class meets but for some bigger reason forgot yesterday. Wonderful and very safe opportunity to see and observe how my mind works so I can more easily master it instead of it controlling me.  I have been covering the recording of this class all semester working with my co-workers no matter whose “job” it was for processing the recordings.  I have also been working with this professor for some time with other technologies.  I also have been hammered in the past for mistakes like this.  I had very quickly slipped back into criticizing myself and worrying about getting hammered by my boss.  It was a great opportunity for me to see how my thoughts are energy and how if I go with the negative energy and thoughts it will effect my well being.  Fortunately I have a lot of help and I am opening up to receiving help and kindness of others.  I have learned that for me child like wonder, effortless effort and awareness works wonders.  I am learning to observe the thoughts that pop into my mind without judgement and let the awareness to flow.  I have learned from many of my computer lessons that everything in my life truly has been a blessing.  It has led me to my soul.  My soul or higher self truly loves me unconditionally and I can totally trust that the greater good will come from all of my experiences.  This is an amazing journey!

I am discovering I am surrounded by opportunity all of the time. I had an incident at work today to see how my negative thinking affect my health and energy. I am very blessed by having to learn to trust my soul, my beloved. I realize everything I have been through is for my greater good. I forgot to do something today. It takes being in the routine and I just took over the task for the month of april. This was wonderful opportunity to see how my conditioning in this lifetime and others still affects me. I am very hard on myself and learned at a very early age to be very critical of myself and others. To always expect myself and others to be perfect. We are not perfect and everyone makes mistakes. All I can truly do is the best I can in each moment. I had a traumatic brain injury 15 years ago and have problems with my memory at times. I have learned to partner with my soul to be able to work and function better in this modern world. I was surprised that I forgot this important thing. I was getting down on myself and making myself feel bad on many levels. One of my co workers even asked me if I was ok. It turned out to be such a blessing and soul did not mis guide me. I had chance to become aware so I could change my programming. It was the perfect time for this to occur. The class did not need to be recorded and I was able to set reminders for myself with my smart phone so I would not forget in the future since I work in a very unpredictable job. I got to see how my thoughts truly affect my energy and health. Soul did not misguide me by allowing me to forget about starting the recording but instead gave me such a wonderful learning experience opportunity. I am so very blessed. What seemed bad to my every day self turned out to be such a very good thing. Sent on the Now Network from my Sprint® BlackBerry

I am being shown another lesson I can totally trust my intuition. I will post more details later. I know more than ever that my intuition is me tapping into my soul. My soul has the big picture and my every day self has a narrow limited view. I have to let go of that limited view and come from the soul and then things magically flow. This is for me true prosperity. Sent on the Now Network from my Sprint® BlackBerry

Here is one thing I can explain quickly.  How the soul and ego work together.  The ego seems to be able to work connecting to things in this world but the soul needs the ego to be able to connect and work in this physical world.  Soul can do much without the ego but it needs the connection between the ego and physical world to accomplish much.  If your everyday self has some old programs running then new installed software might not work correctly so you have to update the program within everyday self level.  It is totally bizarre how I was shown this today.  I was installing some software off the internet for a professor in a classroom.  I logged on with and admin (soul) account and then could not access the internet, then I switched users to the staff (everyday self); I had to work with both users logged on so I could get access to the internet site to download the software.  It is working correctly under the admin account but one program is not the correct version under the staff account.  Simple fix to update the software under the staff account.  I ran out of time and this professor is very delightful person who teaches computer science classes.  I have never had the computer behave this way before.  Programs becoming bloated and cumbersome over time if you just keep adding to it (old programming) whereas if you heal (correct coding errors) it will work much better.  Every day self or ego to heal and get new programming that works better needs access to soul since this is where it comes from, has access to it at its level of functioning.  Every day self can keep chugging along but without access to soul it gets stuck is this quagmire or ever-increasing baggage which creates more of the same problems etc.

This is just so mind-blowing.  We are such powerful co creators of our world.  Wow is all I can say.